Featured Products
I Have a Dog
I Have a Cat
Designing and delivering quality products people trust for the pets they love.
An industry leader focused on quality first, it has been setting the bar for decades with standards that remain unsurpassed today. With over fifty years of experience behind us, Coastal has always been on the cutting edge of innovation and design.
Collars, Leads & Harnesses, Dog, Dog Muzzles, Shop By Pet
COASTAL Soft Basket Muzzle
€14.99 – €26.99
Featured Products
I Have a Dog
I Have a Cat
Designing and delivering quality products people trust for the pets they love.
An industry leader focused on quality first, it has been setting the bar for decades with standards that remain unsurpassed today. With over fifty years of experience behind us, Coastal has always been on the cutting edge of innovation and design.