Bird Healthcare

border collie exercising through the green firleds looking happy and energetic

Why Exercise is Important for Your Pet

Why is Exercise So Important for Your Pet? Regardless of their age, species or lifestyle, every pet needs to exercise, but why is it so important to make sure your pet getting their daily workout? Dogs and cats are full of energy and that energy needs somewhere to go, otherwise problematic behaviours may start to show. The great thing about exercising your pet is there are so many different ways to do it; dogs expend energy going for walks or running around...

veterinarian caressing a beautiful yellow-crested cockatoo

Does My Pet Bird Need a Vet?

Like all pets, there are certain illnesses or healthcare problems pet birds are susceptible to. Some may go away on their own or be cured with some at home remedies, but others will require immediate veterinary care. Many vets don’t treat pet birds in depth as they differ from other animals that they have specialised in; although they may treat him for general care, you should conduct research into local veterinarians that may specialise in bird care. In this blog post,...

signs your pet bird may be ill banner

Signs My Pet Bird is Unwell

Like all pets, there certain illnesses or healthcare problems pet birds are susceptible to. Your bird can exhibit symptoms in many different ways, some more obvious than others. As a pet bird parent, it is important you understand what these health issues are to not only help treat them, but also prevent them. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the signs your pet bird may be feeling under the weather, how to help them, and how to prevent more healthcare...


Should I Get My Birds Wings Clipped? Pros and Cons of Wing Clipping

Wing clipping is a complex topic that is often asked of exotic veterinarians. Generally, it is not a long term treatment as flight training should be considered. It can be a controversial topic, and ultimately the decision falls with each individual bird owner. There are advantages and disadvantages to wing clipping, and it is something you should carefully think about and research on before making any commitment. Dr. Bobby Ortiz, M.V.B. Dr Bobby Ortiz, aka 'Dogtor Bob', is a small animal and...


How to Take Care of Breeding Birds

It is important to understand the proper care and attention that goes into caring for breeding birds. Most pet owners won’t breed their pet birds, but if you decided to for whatever reason, it is essential that they are taken care of and handled properly. In this blog post, I will explain the best ways to take care of breeding birds, how to keep their environment clean, and caring for the hatchlings once they arrive.V Dr. Bobby Ortiz, M.V.B. Dr Bobby Ortiz, aka...


Should I Get My Bird’s Beak Trimmed?

Your pet bird’s beak has many different important functions, such as eating, preening, grasping, climbing, self-defence, playing, touching, and communication. A heathy bird’s beak should never need trimming, but unfortunately, if your bird has experienced trauma, severe stress, malnutrition or serious illness, it can cause the beak to deform and overgrow. In this blog post, I will explain what can lead to beak trimming, signs of an unhealthy beak, and what to do if your bird’s beak needs trimming. Dr. Bobby Ortiz,...


How to Tell If Your Bird is Happy & Healthy

It’s not always easy to tell what kind of mood your bird is in. Sometimes they can be cheerful and playful, and the next minute, moody and reclusive. If they are ill, they may be trying to hide any signs of this due to vulnerability in the wild, which can make it even more difficult for bird owners to tell how their pet is feeling. It is important to be able to tell if your bird is not only happy and...

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