
Adding Fish to Your Fish Tank

How to Add New Fish to Your Fish Tank or Aquarium When adding fish, live plants or other elements to your fish tank it is extremely important that you following a good acclimatization process. Any changes within the aquarium will affect the delicate water chemistry which needs to be kept stable to ensure the health of your fish. Adding Fish to Your Tank To prevent the balance of chemicals in your tank from spiking and causing fatalities in your new fish; it is...


Fish Keeping – Water Chemistry Explained

Understanding the Water Chemistry of Your Fish Tank While fish-keeping is an addictive hobby, as with all pets, caring for your fish requires water chemistry commitment, a little bit of science, and regular cleaning. In this article we explain the terminology of water chemistry and help to set you on a path to maintaining a healthy fish tank. Remember, if you are experiencing problems maintaining your fish tank, we are always here to help you resolve them, so do drop into your local...


Fish Keeping – Tropical Fish

Choosing Tropical Fish as a Pet Fish as amazing pets that require significantly less (but not none!) care than other species of pet. Fish keeping is also recognised as having a calming and relaxing quality and is highly recommended for those with sensory difficulties, autism or those who struggle with stress-related concerns. In this blog post we explore Tropical Fish and what you can expect if choosing warm water fish as a pet. Tropical fish come from warmer climates and need heat...


Fish Keeping – Understanding the Nitrogen Cycle

Understanding the Nitrogen Cycle in Your Fish Tank There are a few different names for, what we call, the Nitrogen Cycle – the biological cycle; nitrification process, or start-up cycle. Whatever you chose to call it, the process is essential to facilitating the growth of friendly bacteria in your fish tank. As a result, without it, the water can become toxic to your fish. In this article we explain what the Nitrogen Cycle is and help you understand how to manage it...


Fish Keeping – Filtration and Your Fish Tank

Filtration and Your Fish Tank The underwater environment that your fish lives in requires a careful balance to keep your fish happy and healthy. In this blog post we take a look at the role filtration plays in maintaining the health of your fish tank. The filtration process is an extremely important part of caring for your fish; it helps to ensure the correct chemical balance within your tank. Different Types of Filtration Believe it or not, there are different types of filtration that...


Fish Keeping – Maintaining a Healthy Fish Tank

Maintaining a Healthy Fish Tank Your fish are entirely reliant on you to ensure that the space in which they live is managed to ensure their ongoing health and wellbeing. Maintaining the health of your fish will require a regular water-health care routine which will sustain and support a safe underwater home for your fish. In this blog post we talk a little more about what that entails. While fish-keeping is an addictive hobby; as with all pets, a healthy fish tank...


Fish Keeping – Cold Water Fish

Choosing Cold Water Fish as a Pet Fish as amazing pets that require significantly less (but not none!) care than other species of pet. Fish keeping is also recognised as having a calming and relaxing quality and is highly recommended for those with sensory difficulties, autism or those who struggle with stress-related concerns. In this blog post we explore Cold Water Fish and what you can expect if choosing cold water fish as a pet. Coldwater fish are fish that prefer to...

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