Kitten Care

ginger cat sniffing wood based cat litter in a red litter bx as his humans scoop it out

Choosing a Cat Litter

One of the most important things on your to-do list as a cat-parent is choosing the right litter for your kitty. Sounds easy, right? With many different options and a wide variety of choice available, picking a litter can often seem like a formidable task. Finding the right cat litter is important as it can help reduce feline stress and prevent litter box issues like urinating outside of the litter box. The last thing you want is for your cat to...

Cat using her cat litter box in the house

House Training your Cat

House training your cat or kitten is a simple and straightforward process, as they are naturally clean animals that don’t like to soil their territory. They usually like to go toilet in the same spot, which makes house training that much easier. Young kittens would have learned how to use a litter box by watching their mother, however if they have not been trained yet, you will need to start a training routine to get her used to her litter box....

jack russel dog scratching ear due to itchy skin outside-1

How to spot fleas on your dog or cat

How to Spot Fleas on Your Dog or Cat – and how to get rid of them! Fleas are tiny yet nasty bugs that like to live in your pet’s coat and feed off his blood from sucking it through the skin. Doesn’t sound too great does it? In this blog post we’re going to help you spot the signs of fleas on your dog or cat, show you how to get rid of them, and stop them from coming back! Top...

choosing pet food dog and cat eating cover

5 Easy Tips for Choosing the Right Pet Food

5 Easy Tips for Choosing the Right Food for Your Cat or Dog Choosing a food for your dog or cat will need some careful consideration, but with our Top 5 Tips, we will help you choose the right pet food every time. 1. Choose a Food That Suits Your Pet's Age The age of your pet is a vital factor when choosing her food. Under 1 year, and your puppy or kitten will be growing rapidly and will needs lots of nutrients...


What Should I feed My Cat?

What Should I Feed My Cat? I often get asked what is the best cat food so in this blog post, I'm going to help you understand the differences in your cat's different life-stages, and the things you should consider when choosing the best food for your cat. Your cat could live for up to 25 years so it's important that as your cat advances throughout her life-stages that her diet is adjusted to suit her varying nutritional needs. There is a...

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