Dog Grooming

How To Look After Your Bichon Frise’s Coat

Bichon Frises are known for their cheerful and intelligent nature, and relish being the centre of attention. A Bichon Frises’ curly coat means they are less likely to shed than other breeds, making them a popular choice for households that suffer from allergies. As well as daily brushing, to prevent matting, your Bichon Frise will need regular trips to a professional groomer to ensure your dog’s health. You’ll also be able to choose different cuts and styles for your dog. In...


How to Look After Your Pomeranian’s Coat

The Pomeranian is a chirpy, animated companion with an excitable personality. This little dog is an active toy breed with an outgoing temperament, making them ideal canine friends. Pomeranian grooming is an essential part of Pom dog ownership. In this blog post, I will share some top tips and expert advice on grooming your Pomeranian to ensure they stay happy, healthy, and looking their absolute best. Equipment Needed Slicker brush Slicker brushes have thin bristles and are great for keeping your pet’s coat free...


How to Look After Your Cavapoo’s Coat

A cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle, these dogs are know for being sweet-natured, great with children and their undying affection for humans. Cavapoo coats come in a wide variety of colours, lengths and textures. The dominance of their parents’ genes will dictate whether your pet has a longer, silky coat (from the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) or a short and curly coat (from the Poodle). In this blog post, I will share some top tips...


How to Look After Your Jack Russell Terrier’s Coat

Upbeat, lively, inquisitive, and friendly, are just some of the words to describe the little Jack Russell Terrier. Jack Russells have a distinct, double-layered coat that helps them regulate body temperature and protects them from the elements. However, this coat type also makes them more prone to shedding and potential skin issues if not properly maintained. In this blog post, I will share some top tips and expert advice on grooming your Jack Russell Terrier to ensure they stay happy,...


How To Look After Your Cavachon’s Coat

The Cavachon is a crossbreed between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Bichon Frise. The coat of cavachons is soft, wavy, and of medium length, and this breed is known to shed less than others. Frequent brushing and hair clipping is essential for keeping the coat healthy and shiny. In this blog post, I will share some top tips and expert advice on grooming your Cavachon to ensure they stay happy, healthy, and looking their absolute best. Equipment Needed Slicker brush Slicker brushes...


How to Take Care of Your Goldendoodle’s Coat

Goldendoodle are adorable, friendly, and loyal companions. Their low shedding is great for those who may suffer from allergies but means extra care when it comes to doodle grooming because they combine poodle and retriever traits in their coats, which can vary in texture and length. In this blog post, I will share some top tips and expert advice on grooming your Goldendoodle to ensure they stay happy, healthy, and looking their absolute best. Equipment Needed Slicker brush Slicker brushes have thin bristles and...


How To Look After Your Pug’s Coat

Any pug parent knows that these little dogs are heavy shedders. Their short hair can be found everywhere including clothing, furniture, carpet, bedding, and even in the car. To minimize shedding, frequent brushing of their double coat is recommended. In this blog post, I will share some top tips and expert advice on grooming your Pug to ensure they stay happy, healthy, and looking their absolute best. Equipment Needed Bristle Brush The bristle brush is designed for short coats, use small, quick strokes,...

three border collies looking at camera in an autumn wood

How to Look After Your Border Collie’s Coat

Known for their infinite energy, unequivocal intelligence, and undying loyalty, this breed is a favourite among dog owners who want a constant companion to adventure through life with.They have a thick, dense coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. To keep them looking neat and tidy, you'll need to establish a grooming routine that works for your Border Collie. In this blog post, I will share some top tips and expert advice on grooming your Border Collie...


How to Look After Your Springer Spaniel’s Coat

Springer Spaniels are energetic dogs that are friendly and love to play. They have long, hanging ears and a moderately long coat that can be black or liver with white, blue or liver roan, and tricolor. In this blog post, I will share some top tips and expert advice on grooming your Springer Spaniel to ensure they stay happy, healthy, and looking their absolute best. Equipment Needed Slicker brush Slicker brushes have thin bristles and are great for keeping your pet’s coat free of mats...


How to Look After Your Labrador’s Coat

Friendly, fun, eager to please, and low-maintenance, it’s no surprise that the Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. More often than not, Labradors are short-haired, but their double coats mean they need a dedicated grooming routine to stay happy and healthy. Here are my top tips to help you with your Labrador grooming needs. Equipment Needed Slicker brush Slicker brushes have thin bristles and are great for keeping your pet’s coat free of mats and tangles. They come in different types,...

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