How to Spot Ticks On Your Cat

How to Spot Ticks On Your Cat

 What are Ticks?

Ticks are greyish-brown, small blood-sucking creepy crawlies. They are egg-shaped and about the size of an apple seed. They can become ‘engorged,’ where they get bigger and darker as they suck blood from its host. Its head is usually found buried beneath the cat’s skin. Ticks can also be found all over your cat’s body, so make sure to give a thorough examination of your cat after you think he has been exposed to one. Not all ticks may appear the same, as they tend to look different throughout their lifecycle. You are most likely to come across ticks between spring and autumn, but they are active all through the year.

Signs Your Cat Has Ticks

Ticks can sometimes be big enough to spot, but always run your hands over your cat’s body after they have been outside for a while to check for any lumps or bumps. A tick will feel like a small bump on their skin.

There are different types of tick that can carry infection, each with varying symptoms. The main symptoms of a tick infection in cats tend to include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Aching joints
  • Depression

It’s important to note that cats tend to hide signs of pain or discomfort, so they may not be showing symptoms at all or any obvious changes in behaviour. This is why it’s important to regularly check your cat for ticks, so you can catch it before it develops into anything more serious.

senior cat lying down looking bored

Removing a Tick

You’ll usually find ticks in areas around a cat’s head, neck, ears and feet, but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on all of their body for them. They don’t fly or jump, but instead climb or drop on to your cat’s coat when they brush past them.

If you spot a tick, it’s important you remove the whole tick as carefully and as safely as soon as you can. Getting rid of ticks can be tricky due to their very resilient mouthparts, but with the right tools removing them should be relatively straightforward.

What You’ll Need: Gloves, tweezers, disinfectant or antiseptic cream

What To Do:

Put on your gloves. With your tweezers, grasp the tick as close to your cat’s skin as possible, and pull it out very carefully and slowly in a straight, steady motion. Try not to jerk as anything left behind could lead to an infection. Clean your pet’s wound with antiseptic and make sure to clean your tweezers with isopropyl alcohol. Monitor the area where the tick was to see if an infection develops. If the skin remains irritated or infected, consult with your veterinarian.

Controlling Ticks

If your feline friend likes to spend time outdoors, we recommend you routinely check for ticks. Ticks can transfer between hosts, so it’s also a good idea to inspect all family members after outdoor activities in wooded, leafy or grassy areas.

The simplest way to protect your cat from getting fleas and ticks is to avail of a regular preventative treatment which can be applied to your pet’s coat once a month. We offer a range of preventative treatments that help repel fleas, ticks, and other nasty parasites, such as;

FLEATIX Cat 0.5mg, 3 Pack provides three month’s flea and tick protection for your cat. Water resistant and suitable for kittens above 8 weeks.

This is a powerful all-in-one solution for fleas, ticks, lice and their eggs. Fleatix Combo provides your pet with up to four weeks of protection and can be used with a traditional wormer to give your furry friend complete cover from external and internal nasties.

Bob Martin Clear Flea & Tick Spray For Cats & Home helps control fleas and ticks both on your pet and in your home. This pesticide-free spray works in a unique way by immobilising the flea or tick. Protect your pet, its bedding and your home from fleas for up to 4 weeks.

  • Regular Vet’s Visits

Make sure your cat is visiting his vet regularly as they will be able to spot anything you might have missed while conducting a body inspection.

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