Speaking Guinea Pig-What is Your Guinea Pig Saying to You?
Guinea pigs may not be able to talk, but they sure know how to communicate. Through lots of different sounds and squeals and a wide range of behavioural expressions, it’s important to pay attention to your guinea pig so you can form a strong relationship with them and provide the best possible care.
This guide will take you through the many different vocalisations your guinea pig may express, what they mean, and how to provide the best possible care so your guinea pig can thrive!
The Different Sounds of a Guinea Pig
Your guinea pig has his own unique language, and different sounds generally have different meanings and indicators of what your guinea pig may be feeling. It’s important to note that not all guinea pigs may make these sounds, and that you factor in both the sound and the body language your guinea pig conveys when making the sound. Knowing the context of your piggie’s body language and what is happening in his surroundings will help to accurately interpret what they’re telling us.
Usually a long, high pitched squeal or whistle, this noise represents excitement or joy. You may notice your guinea pig making this noise when they see you approaching with food or if it’s playtime. The amount of wheeking depends on your guinea pig, as some may wheek every time they’re excited while others may only make this sound when they’re hungry.

This sound generally means contentment or that your piggie is relaxed. It is usually a series of short, staccato sounds. It has also been described like a soft frog’s croak. They may also make this sound when they’re curious or interested in exploring their surroundings.
This could spell pleasure or anger for your guinea pig, so the context of the situation should be assessed carefully if you hear your guinea pig purr. If the purr is low pitched, it can generally mean contentment and relaxation. If the purr is high pitched, it could mean your guinea pig is annoyed or frustrated. If it’s a short purr, your guinea pig could be afraid of something. Body language is also important here; an annoyed or scared guinea pig may vibrate or remain motionless.

A deeper noise than the purr, it is often associated with showing dominance. It can also come out when a male is trying to woo a female, or vice versa. There may also be a ‘mating dance’ where they will wiggle their hips and strut around the female.
Teeth Chattering
A rapid series of squeaks by clacking their teeth together, it generally means your guinea is agitated, fearful, anxious, or unhappy in a situation. Context is important, as might be a sign your guinea pig is just waiting for his food and in need of some attention. In other cases, chattering can be an indicator that your pet is extremely annoyed and emotionally distressed with the situation they find themselves in. Chattering can also occur when introducing a new guinea pig to the enclosure; it is best to separate the two chattering guinea pigs in this case to prevent any fights. Once they have calmed down, you can reintroduce them slowly. This is very common between two male guinea pigs.
A whining noise can imply annoyance or a dislike for something you or another pet is doing. It can also mean your guinea pig may be in pain, so pay attention to the context and what your guinea pig is doing. If the whining continues, be sure to consult with your small pet veterinarian.