Blog Post

What are Intestinal Worms in Dogs & Cats?

What is an Intestinal worm? There are four common types of intestinal worms that infect dogs and cats; roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. There are varying symptoms between each type of worm, as does the way in which pets can be infected. These species of parasite can also be transmitted to humans. Roundworms: Long, white and spaghetti-like, these nasty creatures live in the intestinal tract, but can burrow their way into other bodily tissues and organs. Hookworms Hookworms are shorter than roundworms and possess sharp,...


10 Tips on Handling Your Senior Dog Safely

Aging is a normal part of life, and at some point, all dogs will get older and become seniors. As our dogs grow into this life stage, their care requirements will begin to change, such as their diet and exercise routine. You may find your older dog is walking at a slower pace or is finding it difficult to leap onto the sofa like he once could. All these changes are completely normal, but it’s important to know how to...


What are Ticks and How to Stop Them

What are Ticks? Ticks are greyish-brown, small blood-sucking creepy crawlies. They are egg-shaped and about the size of an apple seed. They can become ‘engorged,’ where they get bigger and darker as they suck blood from its host. Its head is usually found buried beneath the dog’s skin. Ticks can also be found all over your pup’s body, so make sure to give a thorough examination of your dog after you think he has been exposed to one. Not all ticks...


Common Health Problems in Senior Dogs

As your dog grows older, it’s important to keep an eye out for any potential health problems or conditions that arise so you can help improve his quality of life. You may notice a general ‘slowing down’, where your dog will experience a decrease in mobility, activity or exercise. It's also common to see an older dog lose some of their senses, like hearing or eyesight. This slower pace, loss of senses as well as a greying coat are all...


How to Care for Your Cat’s Teeth

Clean, strong teeth is essential for your cat’s overall health and wellbeing. Establishing a good dental maintenance routine early on in your cat’s life is critical to their ongoing health, and can help prevent severe dental illnesses such as periodontal disease. Cats can also develop gum disease, a build-up of tartar and plaque, bad breath, and abscesses, all of which can progress into a painful infection or tooth loss. With a good feline dental care routine and a healthy diet...

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Grooming Your Older Dog

Grooming is an essential part of your dog’s health and wellbeing, and is even more critical as they grow older. Often, underlying health conditions your senior pup may be susceptible to can be spotted by investigating the skin and coat. Lumps, bumps, growths and skin irritations can be revealed in a grooming session, either by yourself or by your Professional Groomer. As your canine friend grows older, they tend to experience joint and muscle pain as well as mobility issues that...


What Makes a Dog Senior?

Just like us, our dogs grow old and with old age, often comes new health and mobility issues. Your once, energetic little puppy may show signs of slowing down, and becoming less playful. You may even notice some grey hair! It’s important to recognise the signs of an aging dog, not only so you can adapt their lifestyle to fit their needs, but to make them as comfortable as possible in their golden years. In this blog post, we’ll talk about what...


What is the Muscle & Joint Therapy Bath & Styling?

Got a sporty dog who loves running around? Or perhaps you have a senior dog who is less mobile than he used to be? Or maybe your dog is currently in recovery from a surgery or has mobility issues? Whatever the reason, its important your dog is taken care of and is provided the correct treatment to help them move forward, and that includes their baths and grooms. Here at Petmania Grooming Studios, we offer the perfect massage for very sporty...

Pet owner massaging on her dog on sofa, canine massage

The Benefits of Mud Therapy and Canine Massage for Dogs

We know you usually want to keep your dog out of the mud, but if you have a dog with itchy, flaky, or inflamed skin, a mud therapy or treatment bath might be the right way to go. Mud therapy and treatments are formulated to rejuvenate, cleanse, and protect your dog’s skin and coat, leaving your not only feeling amazing, but looking amazing too. Combined with a gentle canine massage and your dog won’t ever want to leave the bath! In this...


How to Help Your Senior Dog with Exercise

As your dog gets older, you may notice him slowing down and becoming less active. He may not be able to keep up on such long walks, or perhaps he is sleeping more throughout the day. It’s true that as your dog enters his senior years, some activities he once enjoyed might be too much for him to handle, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t get any exercise at all! Exercising older dogs is an important part of their daily routine...

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