Operation TransPAWmation

How Do I Clean My Dog’s Ears

How, and Why, Should I Clean My Dog's Ears? Keeping your dog's ears clean is really important to help prevent nasty ear infections, inflammation or ear mites which can cause your dog great distress. Breeds with longer ears, and working dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors, are more prone than others to build-up of dirt and potential ear infections than shorter haired breeds. Getting into the habit of checking your dog's ears you'll soon figure out how frequently his ears...


How Do I Clip My Dog’s Nails

How Should I Trim My Dog's Nails Keeping your dog's nails trimmed is not just important to stop them scratching you when they jump up for a hug, it's also vital to ensure good paw health. If left to overgrow, it can cause pain, discomfort, and sometimes irreversible damage to your dog's foot. I would recommend getting your young puppy used to having his nails trimmed from about 4 months old. Starting early will help your pup to learn that nail trims...

choosing pet food dog and cat eating cover

5 Easy Tips for Choosing the Right Pet Food

5 Easy Tips for Choosing the Right Food for Your Cat or Dog Choosing a food for your dog or cat will need some careful consideration, but with our Top 5 Tips, we will help you choose the right pet food every time. 1. Choose a Food That Suits Your Pet's Age The age of your pet is a vital factor when choosing her food. Under 1 year, and your puppy or kitten will be growing rapidly and will needs lots of nutrients...


What Should I feed My Cat?

What Should I Feed My Cat? I often get asked what is the best cat food so in this blog post, I'm going to help you understand the differences in your cat's different life-stages, and the things you should consider when choosing the best food for your cat. Your cat could live for up to 25 years so it's important that as your cat advances throughout her life-stages that her diet is adjusted to suit her varying nutritional needs. There is a...

senior cat food formula banner

Food Diary for Cats

Keeping a Food Diary for Your Cat Keeping a food diary can help you monitor the food and treats you are feeding and understand where your cat is getting extra calories from, and helping you to set your pet on the right track to maintaining a healthy Body Condition Score and weight. Download Our Food Diary Download our food diary and use it to record all of your cat's meals and treats to help find a pattern for when and why your cat...

Feeding of senior hungry dog. Labrador retriever eating granule from metal bowl in morning light at home kitchen banner

Food Diary for Dogs

Keeping a Food Diary for Your Dog Keeping a food diary can help you monitor the food and treats you are feeding and understand where your dog is getting extra calories from, and helping you to set your pet on the right track to maintaining a healthy Body Condition Score and weight. Download Our Food Diary Download our food diary and use it to record all of your dog's meals and treats to help find a pattern for when and why your dog...


How to Get Your Cat to Exercise

How to Get Your Cat to Exercise! Regular exercise is essential to help keep your cat fit and healthy, and is critical to preventing your kitty from gaining excessive weight. If your cat has a body condition score of 6-7, introducing more activity into her day is going to be an essential part of getting her back to a healthy weight. Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats Outdoor cats tend to be more active than their indoor siblings, which will typically mean that they will...


How Much Exercise Does My Puppy Need?

Exercise & Your Puppy Regular exercise is really important for your puppy’s fitness mental health and overall well-being. Without it, your puppy can become bored which can lead to destructive or “naughty” behaviour, or gain excess weight. Walks for a puppy should be all about exploration-sights, sounds, and smells of the world. Once your puppy has had all his vaccinations, a walk should become part of his daily routine. How much exercise is enough? The amount of exercise your puppy needs will depend...

young labrador puppy chewing on a toy in his new home

What is the Best Dog Toy?

Wondering What Is the Best Dog Toy? Find Out Here. With so many different dog toys available, is it any wonder that choosing the best one for your dog can be so confusing? In this blog post we want to help you understand the different types of toys available, so that you can choose the ones that best suit your dog! Before we look at the different types, let us first look at why we use them in the first place. Benefits...


What Should I feed My Adult Dog?

Choosing a Food for Your Adult Dog As your dog moves from puppy to adult, her growth and development will stabilize, so her metabolism and dietary needs will change. The first step is recognizing when your puppy has reached adulthood, at which point a review of her diet will be essential as she graduates to an adult food. When will my dog be fully grown? Typically, your dog will be considered fully grown and an adult at one year old, but some smaller...

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