
Choosing a Vivarium For Your Corn Snake

Corn snakes are relatively small (rarely exceeding five feet in length); active feeders, tolerate a wide variety of environmental conditions; come in a dazzling array of colours; and are very easy to breed. For these reasons they make excellent pets, especially for families with older children. When bringing home your pet snake, it is important that you have a habitat set up for it to move straight into. It’s not just a case of setting up a vivarium for them to...


What Can My Corn Snake Eat? A Nutrition Guide for Pet Snakes

Just like other snakes, the corn snake is a carnivore, meaning they eat a meat only diet. They’re not particularly picky and in the wild, they are known to consume a variety of prey, including mice, rats, birds, bats, and insects. Most captive snakes are fed thawed rodents, such as mice or rats, of appropriate size. When caring for a carnivorous pet, it is important that they are fed different types of animal prey to ensure they receive a balanced and...


Signs Your Snake is Happy and Healthy

It can sometimes be tricky to tell if your snake is happy and healthy. They aren’t as outgoing or expressive as other pets may be, and if you’re not paying close attention, you could miss some signs that they are unwell. By providing a stress free environment, regular food and water and the correct habitat temperature, you can ensure your serpentine friend is happy and healthy. In this blog post, I’ll explain signs to look out for in a healthy snake...


Reptiles and the Risk of Infectious Diseases

Dec 13, 2013   The Health Protection Surveillance Centre have issued the following report and health warning for those with young children or lower immune systems who currently have, or are thinking of getting, a reptile as a pet. Reptiles such as snakes, turtles, tortoises and lizards have become popular as pets. Their appeal is that they are colourful, quiet and generally easy to look after. And their unusual appearance is very appealing to small children. However they require careful handling as they carry a range...

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