Blog Post

The Goldfinch: A Guide to Ireland’s Garden Birds

The Goldfinch is a beautiful, striking bird, often found in gardens, parks, woodland, heathland and farmlands. Known as ‘Lasair choille’ in Irish, they are a sociable bird, often breeding in loose colonies. They are a resident in Ireland, although some additional birds may arrive from Continent in winter. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through how to spot a Goldfinch in your garden, what to feed it, and the best way to care for it. What Does a Goldfinch Look Like? The...


The Dunnock: A Guide to Ireland’s Garden Birds

The Dunnock is a small brown bird that is often seen in many Irish gardens. Known as a ‘Dunnóg’ in Irish, this shy, little bird is widespread throughout Ireland, with a population of approximately one million and a lifelong travel radius of 1 km. It doesn’t like to venture out in the open too often which is why it is still unknown to many. Often mistaken for a sparrow, upon further examination, it is very much a different creature. In this...


The Collared Dove: A Guide to Ireland’s Garden Birds

Known as ‘Fearán baicdhubh’ in Irish, the Collared Dove has been in Ireland only since 1959. They were formerly found in warm temperature regions and subtropical parts of Asia, but have quickly expanded their range in the 20th century and are now found throughout western Europe. They are now resident in towns and villages throughout Ireland. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through how to spot a Collared Dove in your garden, what to feed it, and the best way...

coal tit on tree branch outside

The Coal Tit: A Guide To Ireland’s Garden Birds

Known as the ‘Meantán dubh’ in Irish, the tiny and small bird known as the Coal Tit is a regular visitor to many bird feeders and tables across Ireland, especially in the winter months when food is scarce and more difficult to find. There are at least eight sub-species of coal tit, with the ‘Periparus ater hibernicus’ exclusive to Ireland. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through how to spot a coal tit in your garden, what to feed it,...

German shepherd resting in its wooden kennel

How to Choose a Kennel and Run for your Dog

If your dog likes to spend most of his time outside, it’s important he has a comfy kennel to retreat to when he needs some rest and escape from the elements. An enclosed dog run also gives them space to roam, while tie-outs are also a great way to give them freedom and yet keep them secure. Choosing a kennel and run can be overwhelming when there’s so much to think about. There are many different kennels and runs available in...


The Chaffinch: A Guide to Ireland’s Garden Birds

Known as a ‘Rí Rua’ in Irish, Chaffinches are one of Ireland’s most abundant and widespread species of garden bird. During the winter months, large numbers of chaffinches migrate here from northern Europe, via European countries bordering the south shore of the North Sea. There are estimates that the Irish population are at over 2 million breeding pairs, with a further 5.4 million pairs in Britain. The European population is approximately between 80 million and 96 million breeding pairs. In this...

Starling on a tree branch with pink petals outside

The Starling- A Guide To Ireland’s Garden Bird Species

A common bird in Ireland, the starling can often be found in large numbers that can be often loud and noisy. They are present all year round, and are joined by a significant flock of birds from the continent during the winter months. Known as a ‘Druid’ in Irish, the starlings can be seen gathering in autumn in such large groups that they can resemble black clouds in the sky, and their swooping and diving in unison is breath-taking to witness....

Blue tit garden bird perched upon a tree branch in the daytime on a gre background

The Blue Tit- A Guide To Ireland’s Garden Bird Species

The Blue Tit is one of Ireland’s most widespread birds. They can be found in wooded areas, farmlands, gardens, and parks. Known as ‘Meantán gorm’ in Irish, it has long been a favourite amongst Irish gardens, with a clever and active personality. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through how to spot a blue tit in your garden, what to feed it, and the best way to care for this popular garden bird. What Does a Blue Tit Look Like? The blue...

two cute dogs in bed sleeping

How to Choose a Bed For Your Dog

Every Dog Needs a Dog Bed Every dog needs a space to call its own; so a comfy bed he can relax in will be needed. There is a wide range of beds to choose from, including hard dog beds, soft dog cushions, orthopaedic mattresses and waterproof beds. As there are many types of dogs, there are many types of dog beds, so a lot of thought and consideration should go into your decision on what bed is best for your dog....

adult cat licking her young kitten

Choosing a Cat as a Pet: What to Consider

Cats make wonderful pets. They are quiet, easier to train than dogs, and are fiercely independent. Their mysterious personalities and adorable looks make them an extremely popular pet, with 16% of Irish households owning a cat. If you’re thinking of welcoming a cat into your home, there are a number of things to consider beforehand. Every cat is different, and how they behave will depend on their personality, the environment you bring them into, and life experiences. In this blog post, we’ll...

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